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Trying to survive cancer

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My Daughter in Law, Eli Phillip's has been diagnosed with Invasive Cervical Cancer and needs to have daily radiation and Chemo also . Her daily round trips to Richmond is 4 hours round trip. My son does not get paid when he doesnt work. They have 3 small children and while other parents are getting kids ready for the new school year , Elizabeth wiĺl be in the hosp everyday. I will go stay with the kids for my son and her but they could use any donation for gas and also for times my son wants to be with her . She is in for a long battle and we could use all your prayers also! Thank you and God Bless you all ❤ From all of Elizabeth and Scott's family

Eli had over 40 radiation treatments back in Sept to Nov. But this recent scan shows still has some cancer in her cervix and cancer in h er lymph nodes now. She has had all the Radiation her body can take tolerate back in the fall. She has to have aggressive Chemo for a few months in hope to keep it from spreading further starting May 1st . They said it won't be cured but if they can get it from spreading further after all the chemo , she will have to be checked closely and continue on chemo pills indefinitely.  We ask for prayers and donations of any amount and pray this prolongs her life for herself and her loved ones . She has 3 young children ages 4, 8 and 10. 
We thank you for you support and prayers.


  • Alex Galaszkiewicz
    • $9,500 
    • 5 yrs


Vicky Winters-Phillips
Montross, VA

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