Guatemalan Volcano Burn Victims
Tax deductible

You may also know that my sister lives in Guatemala, and that my niece Katy is studying to be a doctor. She is currently volunteering at a hospital, training with the finest burn doctor in Guatemala. This doctor treated my brother-in-law Bert, when he was terribly burned in an explosion at his home four years ago.
Dr. Lourdes Santiso is operating under a terrible deficit. Guatemala is so poor and her hospital is running out of supplies to treat these burn victims, many of them children. The list of items they need is : Burn dressings, Tegaderm film, Xeroform steril gauze, Duo Derm hydrocolloid dressings, Antimicrobial gel for wound care, Compression garments, and medical gel beds to relieve pressure.
I feel desperate to help these people, who cannot help themselves right now, and to assist this doctor, who can make such a difference in the lives of these injured people. This GoFundMe will deliver money directly to the doctor’s foundation account so that she can get the supplies she so urgently needs. Your donation is tax deductible. Money is better than trying to send the supplies, because there is too great a chance that the supplies won't make it to their intended destination, or arrive in a timely way. Time is of the essence.
Thank you for your prayers and help.
Mary Ellen
Mary Ellen Cavitt
New Braunfels, TX
Guatemalan Children's Burn Foundation