Greening Uganda - one million trees
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About Greening Uganda
Project Greening Uganda is set up to reforest parts of Uganda starting with 1 million trees. Later we want to expand it as this has multiple social and ecological benefits: it helps in food production, fights the effects of global warming because trees help fight droughts, avoid flooding during heavy rainfall and cool areas where there are a lot of trees, while securing atmospheric carbon in new biomass. It can also provide charcoal for cooking without touching old growth trees which are vital to protect local wildlife like gorilla’s and chimpanzees, to name just two famous species. The forests where these beautiful creatures live are a five hour drive away over very wobbly dirt roads at speed of maximum twenty kilometer per hour.
The set-up is simple, with little investment a million tree saplings are grown from seeds and irrigated till they can be planted in assigned areas. Local communities are involved in the planning and assignment of locations for planting. Local labor, mainly women make a small living out of helping during the nursery stage of the saplings. This phase can be carries out for about 15 Ugandan shilling (UGX) or 3 SAPLINGS FOR A PENNY! Schools and volunteers are involved in the planting phase (the rainy season, normally from half September to half December, which can be done for about ONE PENNY PER TREE including all costs for tools, transport, supervision etc.
We now have a connection to PRINTERNET, running an internet cafe to generate some sustainable results...
About Greening Uganda
Project Greening Uganda is set up to reforest parts of Uganda starting with 1 million trees. Later we want to expand it as this has multiple social and ecological benefits: it helps in food production, fights the effects of global warming because trees help fight droughts, avoid flooding during heavy rainfall and cool areas where there are a lot of trees, while securing atmospheric carbon in new biomass. It can also provide charcoal for cooking without touching old growth trees which are vital to protect local wildlife like gorilla’s and chimpanzees, to name just two famous species. The forests where these beautiful creatures live are a five hour drive away over very wobbly dirt roads at speed of maximum twenty kilometer per hour.
The set-up is simple, with little investment a million tree saplings are grown from seeds and irrigated till they can be planted in assigned areas. Local communities are involved in the planning and assignment of locations for planting. Local labor, mainly women make a small living out of helping during the nursery stage of the saplings. This phase can be carries out for about 15 Ugandan shilling (UGX) or 3 SAPLINGS FOR A PENNY! Schools and volunteers are involved in the planting phase (the rainy season, normally from half September to half December, which can be done for about ONE PENNY PER TREE including all costs for tools, transport, supervision etc.
We now have a connection to PRINTERNET, running an internet cafe to generate some sustainable results...
Benjamin P Taylor