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Green Acres Tribute

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Green Acres Preschool has been a part of this town for over 42 years now. There is not one person who has not spoken so highly of the lady who started it all, Marlene Green. Sadly, this era is coming to an end with the sale of the building. Please help us come together to not only raise funds to hold an outstanding tribute event for an outstanding woman, but also to support a local high school senior with intent to major in Early Childhood, with the first ever, Marlene Green Scholarship fund. All funds raised will cover cost of the event and the scholarship. Please let us come together as a community to honor her staff and her for all they have done.

Myself and many others could not sit idly by and let the doors just close. That is where you come in! Help us keep the memories alive and let the town and others know how impactful Marlene Green was for many years to come!

We are holding an Open House Tribute on May 19th from 2-5 at the MOT Senior Center. All are welcome!


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    • $100
    • 5 yrs


Courtney Clarke
Middletown, DE

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