Going the Distance for Quinn
This is Quinn Schaddelee. He is quick to smile, sweet and always has a positive attitude. Even on the hard days, he always gives 110%. He loves to be at home with his family or outside hiking in nature using his specialized hiking chair. He has an appreciation for animals and enjoys playing video games on the PC. Quinn is 16 and has Muscular Dystrophy. MD is a muscle-wasting neuromuscular condition that affects the muscles that help the body move. As it progresses it causes muscles to lose their function, this includes the ability for lungs to breathe and hearts to beat.
What does this mean for Quinn? He has spent many hours and days of his childhood at BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver as he has another rare disease complicating his condition that just can’t be identified. He is isolated. He can’t engage in the usual activities enjoyed by his peers. The bone density of his left hip is that of a frail 90 year old. His left quad muscle is almost completely wasted. He experiences chronic pain. His back is twisted, he is hunched and his skeleton holds up his frame with the support of little muscle. He will no longer be able to stand or walk unassisted in the near future. Quinn has recently moved his bedroom to the main floor of his home as climbing the stairs has become unsafe.
You only have to spend a few moments with Quinn’s family to see how this illness has affected all aspects of their lives. It’s unimaginable for most of us to think of watching someone we love waste away in front of our eyes. There isn’t any cure. There aren’t any medical interventions or promises that can be offered to change his situation. His parents, Tricia and Brook Schaddelee, sometimes feel as though they are watching a terrible nightmare unfold in front of their eyes and are themselves isolated in the pain of watching this journey for their child.
My name is Lindsay. I had the privilege of being Quinn’s teacher when he was in grade 4. With all the craziness that is going on in the world right now I am driven to create and spread positivity. Inspired by the strength of Quinn and his family, I reached out this past December to see how I could help. They are thoughtful, supportive and always contributing to their community. My goal is to raise $100,000 for this family to help make modifications to their home and add an accessible bathroom to an existing bedroom. To reach my goal, I am planning a local running adventure and challenging myself to run 100km on June 5. I will run because I can and I will go the distance for Quinn.
What will this addition mean to Quinn? He will have a wheelchair accessible bathroom with a barrier free shower, toilet and sink. An overhead lift system will connect from his bedroom to his new bathroom. Automatic light, temperature and blind systems will be installed so that Quinn can independently control his environment. Doorways will be widened to allow his wheelchair to access all rooms in his house and the staircase to be modified to accommodate a lift for him to move freely between floors. This will allow Quinn to participate in all family activities and move safely in his environment.
How many hearts can we get on this project? With your help we can cross this finish line together! Thank you for considering a donation to this most deserving young man and his family.
Lindsay Cristante