Give to Life's Core Purpose!
Effective networks are the key to effective human interaction. Networks, not "networking" are what I'm referring to. Our interconnectedness is a fact. How we utilize that is up to us. I believe that "God's Work in Progress" (tm) has been called by God to build a network.
How about 10 million Christ Followers, going to work every day, in business, government, and education, impacting their work, what they do, and how well they do it.?. Imagine them helping people to grow and thrive and flourish, and ....TO KNOW JESUS by giving to their co-workers and followers in this way: A demonstration that is an invitation. What if these millions introduced Jesus through their work and in relationship at work where they see these people every day?
This type of netwwork would be a critical mass that would transform the marketplace in America, and from there, te world.
How Do We Achieve This?
To achieve this goal we need to build another type of network. A Radio Network. We want to distribute our program to the top 50 population centers in the U.S. on the best Christian Radio Stations in those markets. If you and I accomplish this, we can reach a potential 150,000,000 listeners and find 10 million Christians, among them who can impact the rest. A doable, necessary goal if we truly want Christ to be truly relevant.
True networking is the key. Gods Work in Progress will link people together to bring love, real effectiveness and improvement, and God knows we need those. God wants a marketplace that is full and satisfying to Him and us. It is the redemption of the system, to make ALL things new. To equip, to train, to motivate, to inspire, and to love people in the place where the majority of their waking life is spent. Indeed, Jesus said we would do greater works, and this is a greater work. He prayed for unity in his last hours, before he was crucified. And now he is revealing that WORK is a unifier. We all work, it is one of the MAIN activities we have in common. We are all created to work.
Will you help us now? This is a big goal and will take BIG resources. To help us to help the Church in its calling to save the world, we can do our part by saving the Marketplace. The Church, you and I, being light and salt, can reveal Jesus to a fallen world. Each $10,000 we raise equals a new station in the network.
Friends, at this year-end I pray that God is already bringing the people he has prepared in advance to fund our growth (Eph 2:10) But even now, as a fledgling ministry, only 18 months old, we are in serious need of financing in the short term. Some of you have been stirred enough by the value of what we have been speaking these last 65 shows, and have committed to giving for 6 months. We are believing God to stir 100 people to give a monthly gift to our ministry over six months. ( You can share this newsletter and make that 1000 people if you include a personal endorsement) You can click HERE and give right now.
Barbara and I are going through the pain of the birth of this ministry. Some days it's easier than others. But we do that which our hands have been given to do with all of hearts, as unto to the Lord. We focus on the work, on doing great work with great faith. We are blessed by a great church body, who love us and we have a great "growing" (next May our first grandchild) family. And we have God...who loves us beyond measure, who gave his life as a gift, freely given for each of our benefit and for the sins of the whole world.
Here's how you can help.
1. Pray for "God's Work in Progress" - If you pray please let me know. Just click on the email button.
2. Donate right now, today. Every dollar you send us, sends our message out and expands God's Kingdom , at work.
$20......$50....$100 per month for six months? Please, help us to bring this valuable voice to Christians ---in Business, Government and Education!
That's it::Will you join us? We can't do it without you. REALLY.
God's Work in Progress is brought to you by God and The Foundation for Excellence in Faith and Work-
Jeff Pelletier- please check us out.
651-492-8540, call me with questions.
Listen -Here
Tweet- @Godswork123
To donate by check-
The Foundation for Excellence in Faith and Work
7146 Claude Ave
Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076
The Foundation for Excellence in Faith and Work is a MN non-profit corporation, and Federal 501c3 non-profit registered with the IRS. We hope you agree that giving to the cause of redeeming and "righting" the marketplace is a win-win choice . God Bless you!