Marianna Juhasz-family support
As Canadian citizens, we enjoy many freedoms and advantages including governing laws that protect and support the rights of innocent victims of domestic violence and child abuse. Sadly, however, those laws do not apply to the Juhasz family.
Marianna Juhasz and her two sons, Patrik (16) and Tamas (12) fled their home in Hungary in 2010 to escape further violence and abuse of her youngest child at the hands of his father. They came to Canada and have been the personification of what it is to be Canadian; friendly, honest and kind. Marianna maintained 3 jobs just to make ends meet. Her boys were good students who embraced extra-curricular activities including football and the family flourished.
After recently being denied refugee status, they issued a deportation notice and informed they would have to return to Hungary. Facing arrest and corruption in both police and child services in their home country, they were left with no alternative but to ask for Sanctuary at Walnut Grove Lutheran Church in Langley until refugee status can be granted through humanitarian appeal.
Although they strive to hold onto hope, life in the confines of 4 walls has taken a toll on their spirits. Funds are desparately needed to continue the support for this wonderful family. If you can find it in your hearts and your wallets, any donation, big or small, would be extremely helpful. If monetary assistance isn't an option, a donation of your time in the way of a personal visit with the Juhasz family would be greatly appreciated.
I am sure many of you are wondering about the progress of the Juhasz Family’s Humanitarian & Compassionate application to remain in Canada. The lawyer we hired to review their previous case, made several recommendations to ensure a successful future application. Some of the recommendations were to; find a provincial organization for support (Vancouver Battered Women’s Support Services}, to answer all the queries in the previous failed application, and get a full psychological report by a registered psychologist on Tamas, to provide the medical evidence necessary to prove the extent of abuse. We have met all the recommendations and a full psych. assessment has been completed with a medical diagnosis of severe trauma. In addition, Tamas has begun once a week treatments at a reduced rate thanks to Trinity Western University.
The new application will be based on the Best Interest of the Children & not solely on the abuse Marianna endured. The approach used in the past application was at Marianna’s request, in an effort to protect her children. We have been informed, basing the case on the children has a better chance of a positive outcome. The children were in agreement with this approach and have now made statements of their own. The new letter writing campaign based on, “Best Interest of the Children” was a huge success. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO TOOK THE TIME, I KNOW IT WAS NOT EASY!
As a result and with the assistance of VBSS, the family was able to get legal aid funds for a new Humanitarian & Compassionate Application. Unfortunately, finding a lawyer who is willing to prepare the case when they only fund 8 hours is difficult. VBSS’s lawyer is willing to work alongside any new lawyer for free. A lawyer who has worked with VBSS in the past is willing to partner with them and has quoted a fee of $3,000.00.
Fundraising events always take time and energy to plan, and 100% of the funds raised never go back to the intended recipient, there are always costs associated with the event. I would like to suggest, this Group try and identify 60 individuals who would generously donate $50.00 each, and in addition, send this request out to at least two friends. If we are successful in raising the funds, I can notify the lawyer at VBSS to go ahead and hire the other lawyer next week and begin compiling the application. Without further delays, a commitment from the Minister of Immigration that he will review their application & the added pressure of the film release on the family on June 2nd, we may have this family free by summer orrrrrrrrr maybe by the time Patrik graduates at the end of May. WHAT A DREAM TO HAVE MOM FREE IN TIME TO WITNESS HER ELDEST SON’S GRADUATION … ISN’T THAT WHAT WE ALL DREAM ABOUT.
Let me know your thoughts on donating or any other fundraising ideas.