Gentle Giant Needs Eye Surgery
Thank you for taking the time to read our families story! We've had Brutus as a part of our family for a short time. We adopted Brutus from a home where he wasn't well cared for. When we went to adopt Brutus the first thing we noticed was how thin he was and the second health issue was his eye infection, or so we thought! The people we adopted Brutus from had told us that his eye had been sore for two days. It was so hard to tell what was wrong because he wouldn't let anyone get close to his sore eye. I trusted the previous owners who told me it was an eye infection. I took Brutus to the vet to get his sore eye looked at because the antibiotics I was using for it wasn't working. Brutus was diagnosed with a condition called Entropion. The vet said for it to have gotten as bad as it is now it has to have gone untreated for many months by his previous owners. Because his condition was untreated his cornia is ulcerated and he may lose his vision. Brutus has been referred to an eye specialist and needs surgery very soon. Our Family needs help covering the cost of this surgery. We spoke with the previous owners about the situation and they don't care, just like they didn't care to keep Brutus healthy. He's such a great dog, he's perfect with our family, super loving, obedient and just wants to snuggle and go for car rides. Please help us help our sweet family pet. Thank you for reading our story and thank you in advance for any amount donated!