Gaffney Relief fund
Hey friends,
James, Jamie, and their three kids could use our help.
James just got released today from a 9 day stay in the hospital. He had been experiencing extreme pain, thinking he had a kidney stone. Later it was discovered he has diverticulitis and one of the nodules burst which caused a perforation in his intestines. This perforation is causing his intestines to leak nasty fluid into areas it’s not suppose to be. The doctors installed a drain to empty the fluid and give him IV antibiotics. After 9 days in the hospital, they were able to get his pain under control and have a round of antibiotics. He cannot work for at least another two weeks. After two weeks they are planning to remove the drain, do a colonoscopy, and plan the colon surgery. *Special prayers for healing, guidance, and miraculous healing.* He will have to have major surgery to remove the part of the colon that is the problem.
I am asking for prayers and donations for their family so they can continue to stay current on bills during James’s time off work. Anything helps and is so appreciated.
Specific prayer requests: pain management, patience and grace in the healing process, divine doctor guidance and wisdom, no complications, complete healing.