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Simon's Brain Tumour Research

Brain Tumour Research is one of the least funded charities. And unfortunately, Brain Tumours kill more children and adults under 40 than any othe cancer. I’m asking for anyone who can to contribute to help fund the research into this charity.

Recently our family has unfortunately been delivered with the devastating news that Simon, a loving husband/parent Has been diagnosed with a rare but highly aggressive type of brain tumour. Multi-focal Glioblastoma. Chances being 1 in 7 million, and only an average life expectancy of 14 months. This news has been heartbreaking and I would like to ask whoever can to donate, to help these charities to fund research to find new opportunities and treatments to help prolong lives and achieve a cure so other families don’t have to experience this.
All donations will go towards Brain tumour Research and will be highly appreciated.
Thank you.

Je contribue


  • Natasha Anderton
    • 20 £ 
    • 1 an
  • Daphne Thomas
    • 40 £ 
    • 1 an
  • Lisa Wood
    • 10 £ 
    • 1 an
  • Martin Sherriff
    • 25 £ 
    • 1 an
  • Robert Webb
    • 10 £ 
    • 1 an
Je contribue


Megan White
Brain Tumour Research

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