Funeral and Forwarding to ES for William Rodriguez
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Jaime and I'm fundraising for my brother William Rodriguez. It is with extreme sadness that we announce the passing of William after a long battle with cancer. He was the oldest son of 5 and will be deeply missed. While William was able to cover the majority of his medical expenses throughout the cancer treatments, unfortunately he was not prepared for the funeral services. We are raising money during this difficult time to cover the costs of the funeral, memorial services, international forwarding service to El Salvador. William wish was to return to his home in El Salvador and I want to honor that. I want to thank everyone for all the kind words and support they've already shown us throughout William's battle with cancer.
Hola, mi nombre es Jaime y estoy recaudando fondos para mi hermano William Rodríguez. Con extrema tristeza anunciamos el fallecimiento de William después de una larga batalla contra el cáncer. Era el hijo mayor de cinco hijos y lo extrañaremos profundamente. William pudo cubrir la mayoría de sus gastos médicos durante los tratamientos contra el cáncer, desafortunadamente no estaba preparado para los servicios funerarios. Estamos recaudando dinero durante este momento difícil para cubrir los costos del funeral, servicios conmemorativos y servicio de envío internacional a El Salvador. El deseo de William era regresar a su casa en El Salvador y quiero honrarlo. Quiero agradecer a todos por las amables palabras y el apoyo que nos han mostrado durante la batalla de William contra el cáncer.

Jaime Diaz
Silver Spring, MD