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Fuel William's Flight Dream at 16 "Take Wing Will"

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At just 16 years old, William Inlaw is already reaching for the skies—quite literally. While most teenagers his age are navigating the complexities of high school, William is pursuing his private pilot license, a testament to his passion for aviation and determination to defy gravity.

William flew his plane at age 11 and was captivated by airplanes. His fascination with flight sparked early, and as he grew older, it blossomed into a full-blown ambition to become a pilot. While many might view flying as a distant dream, William saw it as an achievable goal, one that he set his sights on from the outset.

William's journey towards his pilot license is not without challenges. Balancing schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and flight training requires discipline and dedication beyond his years. Yet, William tackles each hurdle with unwavering commitment, fueled by his love for aviation and the thrill of soaring through the clouds.

The road to becoming a pilot is rigorous, costly and demands both mental acuity and practical skill.

William's journey is a testament to his perseverance and resilience. Every lesson, every flight hour brings him closer to his ultimate goal of earning his wings.

William's journey to "Take Wing" (begin to fly) is also about personal growth and anyone can achieve a goal --even reaching for the skies at 16.

Come to our live show see link below for details.



  • Nurceal McQueen
    • $40 
    • 27 d
  • Claudia Guerra
    • $50 
    • 1 mo
  • Evette Munoz
    • $25 
    • 1 mo
  • Annette Abrams
    • $60 
    • 1 mo
  • Frank Coleman
    • $100 
    • 1 mo


Tanika Inlaw
New York, NY

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