Shellie' breast cancer battle
I am Shellie. I have been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer at the age of 32. I am the mother of three boys, and the stepmom to another son and daughter. This is still fairly new to me but things are moving quite quickly. I have already had 2 MRIs, two mammograms, an ultrasound, and several biopsys. Coming up i am having a metaport placed for my chemotherapy, several rounds of chemo, and a complete double mastectomy followed by reconstruction.
My husband is our only income and during this process he will have to take a significant amount of time off to care for not only me but our three kids. I have family but they are all quite far away on the east coast. My husband is my main care giver in this time of illness.
I will beat this. God made me strong and resiliant for a reason. I have faith that the outcome will be positive. I just have to get there. This is not an easy or a fast war I am fighting.