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Fr Bob's HopeMobile Needs YOU!

In 2015, Fr Bob and his Foundation provided more than 24,000 hot meals to the homeless and disadvantaged.

An average month at the Foundation by the numbers looks a bit like this:

Hampers: 709
Takeaway Meals: 1,258
Meals Provided: 1,366
People Assisted: 1,573
Volunteer units:  266

We are a roving restaurant on wheels - we take tables and chairs with us so that people can be comfortable while they eat and can socialise.
We are joined at these meals by other groups like Avalon who come and give clothing, blankets and a mobile laundry.

There isn’t a day that our staff and volunteers aren’t working actively with the community to make their life easier, safer and more fulfilling. We work with our own people and with other like-minded organisations to implement new and sustainable solutions to people who need support.

The fact is, it is getting harder to raise the much needed funds to keep Fr Bob's vital work going. 
It isn't just a charity; it is an community essential service.

We are asking to you join with us to ensure that this valuable community work can continue.


  • Deanna Miteff-Twomey
    • $50
    • 8 yrs


Fr Bob Maguire Foundation
Albert Park, VIC

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt