Photo principale de la collecte de fonds

Franklin Joy medical & Living expenses

Don protégé
Thursday November 30th approximately 6--7 pm a terrible Accident happen in Texas City on 9th Ave and 3rd st White car or SUV
Female driver whit One or more passengers

Pulled out in front of my motorcycle and fled the scene of the accident and left me
"" Franklin Joy"" to almost die in the street
Police no have witness no video from the cameras for the houses in all the block called a "" HIT AND RUN WITHOUT SUSPECT""

With all the injuries that he has a fractured forehead, broken bones in his cheek, broken nose, broken neck he is not going to be able to work for a long time and because of no health insurance he's not going to be able to handle the medical bills on his own. He has three teenage sons at home that he takes care of. Any help would be great


Renee Michelle Altamirano
Galveston, TX

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