Keeping the sanctuary going
Hi everybody! Thank you for taking the time to visit this page and for considering donating to this sanctuary. This GoFundMe is to help with the cost of maintaining the sanctuary, ranging from the cost of property, animal feed, veterinary care and whatever supplies are needed to ensure these rescues can be happy, free and have the best quality of care possible.
The number chosen is not for a specific goal but rather for the overall resources needed to provide the best care possible for these animals. Also to give those of you who prefer this platform for donation the ability to do so.
if you are new to the sanctuary you can learn more about it as well as the rescues we care for by going to , this is our primary platform.
I’m incredibly grateful for those of you who have donated & incredibly grateful for those of you who will. We are a community & this sanctuary would not be possible without the help and kindness of people like yourselves.
if you have any questions about the sanctuary please never hesitate to reach out to me directly.