Flynne's Barn
Do you want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money in aid of Flynne's Barn and every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
I am running this fundraiser during September. It is Blood Cancer Awareness Month. I have a rare aggressive blood cancer, Acute Myeloid Leukaemia.
I am passionate about the benefits of creative and outdoor immersion experiences for children and young people. Flynne's Barn is based in Borrowdale, Cumbria. I spent my formative years growing up in different parts of Cumbria, spending lots of time outside playing, walking, messing about on lakeshores and enjoying the company of family and friends. It's special to have these memories. I come from a family that values all creative arts too. So Flynne's Barn's vision and aims are a natural fit. It's also newly-established and I want to help further develop their work.
For more information about Flynne's Barn enjoy the video below. You'll see that the centre offers a wholistic approach with caring for the place, volunteering and other activities in addition to traditional adventurous pursuits. The vision is to develop a place where young people living with cancer can come together and find connection in beautiful surroundings
Juliet Robertson
Flynne's Barn