Fire Damage Lost Everything
Last night at about 3am while my grandparents and family were sleeping a fire went on & catched them by surprise & they woke up to everything burning & they themselves tried to stop the fire meanwhile firefighters made it to the scene we just thank god my family is okay & nothing happened to them while this went on... this is something really hard on my grandfather age 76 & my grandmother age 72 & there daughter ( my aunt ) with her 3 kids & husband in the same household losing their home & personal stuff that got on fire... we’re asking if you guys can please help us out with anything you guys can to help them recover everything they lost & help them meanwhile they suit themselves somewhere to live...my gramma is feeling sick due to all this happening out of nowhere & catching them in a time where it’s hard , holidays around the corner & in this cold weather... I can only imagine how she feels & this is really sad because we don’t know exactly who or what started this fire at their home & I just ask for all help possible because there seniors & shouldn’t Even be going through something like this but things happen for a reason & we just hope & pray it gets better for them.
With all due respect if you guys can just helps us out to provide them with needs for now & food , they are a total of 7 & imagine having everything to the next day not having anything at all it’s sad but we’re going to get through this together as a family. Thank you.