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Complete Mtng Hall & Guest Rms

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Shalom to all B'nei Noakh, Gerim, Jews and Other Friends. With HaShem's help & blessing we have done so much for these dear ones of Torah faith in India. I want to say thank you for all the generous gifts from all of you! Because of you, Baruch is assured that his mom, sweet Shoshana, is able to more easily & effectively continue to bring meals, love & teaching to the widows and orphans of their community in his absence. His father, Yedidyah, is also enabled to visit congregation families, the sick, and surrounding communities to share the truth of HaShem's Torah and bring light & clarity out of idolatry & confusion.

We, then, giving praises to G*d, we're able to bring a much needed well to the Noahide community (and save dear Shoshana's shoulders for hauling TWO TIMES the water on Fridays to prepare for Shabbat), for drinking, cooking & hygiene.

It has also become a fountain to draw other people to the Kakaras and the community to receive the spiritual refreshment for which their souls deeply long. Barukh HaShem!!

Now we come to the third phase of our trifecta: The completion of the meeting hall and guest rooms. This community worships regularly together for Shabbat, Festivals and gathering for prayer and instruction. This had been mostly under the open sky with a half finished building a stone's throw away. With their sparse funds, determined hearts and willing hands they have, over the years, completed about 75% of the building. Extra expense, time & loving effort was expended to finish the floors and decorate for Shavuot! Blessings to them, everyone, for such devotion to our Creator!) Not unlike Avraham & Sarah this community desires to finish the work to have a place to worship, welcome guests and make believers in HaShem who walk in His ways.
Especially, the children, who love to learn and dance & sing, Halleluyah!!

The remaining funds requested to complete the building are to be used as follows:

1. Tiles work - 40,0000 INR =  $600
     (Includes labor)
   [PS - since this was completed by the love, sweat and     tears of the community, this will be used for miscellaneous  items.  One of the desires was for a sound system.] 

2. Electrical work - 70,000 INR =  $1000
     Fans and Lights (Includes labor)

3. Painting ( colours to the building) - 30,000 INR =       $ 500
(Includes labor)

4. Doors and windows - 20,000 INR =  $300 
( included workers chargers too )

The total amount required is 160,000 INR  ($2500 USD ) in order to finish up the community Hall & Guest Rooms.

Thank you for all the of you with such generous hearts and gifts.  May he who blesses be blessed by HaShem in ways both seen and unseen!  Shalom and May G*d bless and keep you all.  :-D

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Faites un don de $35 pour aider cette collecte de fonds à atteindre son objectif.

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  • Pinchos Kurinsky
    • $36 
    • 6 yrs
  • Match Donor
    • $300 (Don hors ligne)
    • 6 yrs
  • Matching Donor
    • $36 (Don hors ligne)
    • 6 yrs
  • Judy & Rafael Arroyo
    • $36 (Don hors ligne)
    • 6 yrs
  • Anonyme
    • $282 (Don hors ligne)
    • 6 yrs
Illustration de mains tendues

Faites un don de $35 pour aider cette collecte de fonds à atteindre son objectif.

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Dvora A Schoenfeld
Jacksonville, FL

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