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Home going for Jimmy "SuperRhymes" Spicer

Donazione protetta
To everyone who has generously donated during my Father’s year-long battle with advanced Stage 4 Lung and Brain Cancer, from me & my family’s heart; Thank You! Your kind expressions of love and support for my Father allowed him to live another year with us, receiving the best care from the great Physicians and Nurses of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. 

Unfortunately, his condition has taken a rapid turn, deteriorating to the point where we are now, with the end goal being to make his last days as comfortable and pain-free as possible. 

My family and I have been spoiled by the tenacity and fight that my Father has displayed during this past year, so this unexpected and untimely decline has created an urgency that requires us to do all that we can to make his final days as peaceful as possible while respecting each of his last wishes.

If you;have ever loved hip hop or have ever sung along to “Dollar Bill Y’all” or “The Bubble Bunch”, If you’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing my Father and being around his magnetic energy, whether he was rapping his 15 minute epic, “The Adventures of Super Rhymes” or dancing on the spot, whether you know him as Moppy from East New York, Superrhymes, or Jimmy, we need your help.

We are asking for donations to help us ensure his remaining time with us is full and that he receives a final send-off worthy and deserving of a hip hop legend.

Thank you in advance for all of your love, prayers, support, and donations which we will use to cover final care costs and funeral expenses.


  • Raynard Gibbs
    • $50 
    • 5 yrs

Team di raccolta fondi: Fundraiser Team (2)

Janel Spicer
Brooklyn, NY
Jimmy Spicer
Team member

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