Fighting Pyewacket's Kidney Failure
Donation protected
UPDATE 5/30/2023
No change to his condition at the vet. It's not good, it's not bad, it just shows he's stable. At this point the vet wants to give him direct inject IV fluids, which means all day hospitalization. I want to do it, but the holiday weekend held up the GoFundMe money. I was hoping that I would get it today.
The vet is allowing me to continue the IV SQ fluids because there's a chance they can work--it'll just be slow. The moment that GoFundMe money shows up in my bank account this week, he's going straight to the vet for that direct IV.
Because of this, I've upped the goal limit--now it's 4,500. I apologize for this--but at this point, he's still fighting, I'm still fighting.
Thank you so much for all your help so far--Pyewacket thanks you too. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
EDIT: Oh my god. I can't believe it. Thank you, thank you, thank you ever so much!!!
For the moment, I'll keep it up and running in case anyone wants to make any more donations--the excess will go to cover any possible extra hosptial care, and any of his food and medications. Also a 'Welcome Home' kit for him!
Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
My name is Tecuma Sherman. In 2015, a little stray kitten came into my life by fighting the older neighbourhood cats on my front porch for the food I left out for them. I took him into my house intending just to overnight him and take him to a animal support group in the morning, but he never left. I named him Pyewacket.
In 2016 my mother died. Pyewacket and my mom's two cats were the reason why I got out of bed every day and kept functioning. They were all the family I had left. They were with me through two cross-country moves as I strugged with my grief and tried to get back on my feet.
It's 2023. Pyewacket has been by my side for 8 years. He's a rough-and-tumble boy, and especially likes interuptting me when I videogame. All my friends have heard me suddenly stop and yell over the chat when he decides to get mischeivous. He's brought me comfort and joy and even protected me in a dangerous situation.
Yesterday he started to not feel well. He wasn't his normal playful self, and was barely eating. I made a vet appointment, and when I came home tonight, he looked worse. I packed him off to the emergency vet, where it was discovered he has kidney failure. But for how he looked--he was active. He headbutted me in the vet, was curious and explorative, and well--now has the label of 'spicy kitty' due to how he acted for the tests. His vitals were strong, but his creatine in his kidneys is very high.
The emergency vet told me that while euthanisa is an option--she didn't want to reccomend it. There's a chance--a slim chance, that this can be reversed. For that, he needs to be hosptialized for at least 2-3 days while they flush his system. The emergency vet wanted 3 grand, which I didn't have. (And they didn't accept payment plans).
So the current plan of action is for me to reach out to low-cost vets in my area and see if I can arrange something to get Pyewacket in and his treatement started. And this is where I am begging for help.
Please. My mom's cats passed of old age in 2019 and 2021. Pyewacket is only 8 years old. If this treatement works and the damage can be reversed, he'll possibly be able to function on a diet for his kidneys.
Please help me give my cat a chance.
H.t. Macintyre
Houston, TX