Fight with Jaden Ramsey
As many of you may know, Jaden was diagnosed with metastatic osteosarcoma earlier this year. He’s battled massive amounts of chemo, an 18 hour surgery to remove a cantaloupe tumor and install a zombie femur, as his mom, Meri, calls it. That was in June. Jaden did have some positive news and also graduated from East High School amid the chaos of 2020 and a battle for his life. He then had surgery to remove the metastatic tumors from his lungs. The original tumor metastasizing in his lungs created a broad challenge for his physicians. He started one course of chemo that they learned was not having an impact on the cancer. He started another chemo and it’s efficacy is still unknown. Now more challenges have arrived. Jaden has been hospitalized because he was neutropenic—his body isn’t producing white cells that can fight infection.
But hold on! There’s more. Jaden was at his girlfriend’s house and tripped. He broke the rod that goes through the cadaver bone and the bone itself shifted at the junction with his original bone. He is going to have to have another leg surgery to replace it all. Unfortunately, his counts are too low to do surgery, so he is in a knee immobilizer for the next two weeks. The surgery will be the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Essentially, he’s back to where he was just before his original leg surgery in June... no weight bearing (he was up to 50%), recovery from another very invasive surgery, etc., so he’s back to being completely reliant on his family for absolutely everything. This means work for his mom will be impossible. As you can imagine all of the resources this family has has been used up and they need us badly. No amount is too small.
Anyone who knows the Ramseys and the Geringers knows asking for help is WAY at the bottom of things they enjoy doing. They are asking now. We already know Jaden is tough as nails but this set back is breaking his heart. Let’s help lift him up and take the financial burden off their backs.