Feed a Child at the Berrima School Lunch Program
The School Food Project is a not-for-profit initiative of chefs and cooks, nutritionists, educators and hospitality experts with the mission to change food in schools, equitably and sustainably.
For the past year or so, we have been working in partnership with Berrima Public School to facilitate the pilot of an innovative, NSW-first school lunch program. Starting in Term 1, 2024 all of the school's students, teachers and volunteers will be served a nutritious and delicious meal cooked from scratch by an experienced chef, in their newly re-furbished kitchen.
We are so close to our goal as we have:
• secured funding and approvals to refurbish the kitchen and purchase the necessary commercial grade kitchen appliances.
• attracted an amazing chef that the kids and parent community will love.
We are almost ready to press the green button!
Meals will be offered at low cost to parents, and no one will be profiting from the program. However, with the rising cost of living, stretching family budgets, some may find it difficult to cover the cost of their child’s food. Your donation will make our vision of equitable food provision a reality.
Join our “Feed a child” campaign and be a part of the Equitable School Food Movement. All donations to this campaign are tax deductible and will be used to cover food costs.
$5 will feed a child for a day
$25 will provide morning tea and lunch to a child for a week
$250 will feed a child for one term
$1000 will feed a child for a whole school year
Also, if you wish to donate towards The School Food Project's broader mission and build our capacity to extend the pilot the other schools that have expressed interest, as well as future schools, please do so directly through our website: www.schoolfoodproject.org.au
Help us feed a brighter future.
Thank you!

The School Food Project
Bondi Junction, NSW