Fear Factory - Regenerate
Calling all Fear Factory fans!
As the smoke clears on what has been a very long and arduous period for Fear Factory, we would firstly like to acknowledge our fans for supporting us and being very patient as we again find our footing after a long absence due to an intensive legal dispute.
We are relieved to report that the legal matter surrounding the Fear Factory name has now come to an end and the band is now able to move forward.
It has been a long road in getting to this point and it has certainly not been without it's challenges both professionally and personally.
As it stands, Fear Factory are back, but are now facing an uncertain future financially and we need your help to restart the machine to get FF back up and running and firing on all cylinders. We've decided to take the unique step of reaching out to our fans to ask for help through a Gofundme page to finish the new album.
The money raised from our Gofundme campaign is going to be used to pay the production team working on the new album including our producer, mixing and mastering engineer, live recorded drums and artwork.
Any money raised above our goal will then go towards producing new music videos for the upcoming album which we are excited to get underway as soon as possible. We can't wait for you guys to hear the new album, the hard work that we are putting into this record is going to make a huge impact on the overall sound and production quality to elevate it to become an amazing sounding and classic Fear Factory album. We are currently working towards a 2021 release.
We understand that the current situation with the global pandemic may make it difficult for a lot of our fans to contribute at this time, as we are also feeling the financial hardship due to the corona virus and recognize the struggles we are all facing at the moment.
We'd like to thank you all for the love and continued support over the last 30 years and hope that together, we can reach our goal.
Please share and help spread the word and also keep a look out, as we will be posting regular updates on the new album as it progresses for everyone to get a peak inside the gears of the machine and a look at the recording and post production process.
Stay safe, Stay positive and know that you have got the power to effect a change.
The machine is still alive!
Thank You
Fear Factory
Frequently Asked Questions.
Q - Who is performing on the new album? -
A - Dino Cazares - Guitar/Bass
Burton C Bell - Vocals
Mike Heller - Drums
Q - What record label will be releasing the album ?
A - Nuclear Blast Entertainment
Q - Who is producing the album?
A - Damien Rainaud & Fear Factory
Q - Who is mixing the album?
A - Andy Sneap
Q - Who is doing keyboards on the album?
A - Rhys Fulber, Damien Rainaud, Igor Khoroshev, Giuseppe Bassi, Max Karon
Website - www.fearfactory.com
Facebook - www.facebook.com/fearfactory
Instagram - @fearfactory
Dino's Patreon - www.patreon.com/dinocazares