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Get Alex back on his feet!

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My friend Alex had a fall last week and broke his leg. Because he was an agency worker, he was fired from his job, even though he could have worked from home while he recovered. This is completely legal in the UK. 

He's now got to sign up for Universal Credit and faces at least a one-month wait for help from the government. In the meantime he still has to pay living expenses, bills, buy groceries (and likely have them delivered), and so forth.  He's then, upon his recovery, got to seek a new job, with whatever waiting time that will take. 

Alex is highly qualified with a degree in Politics and International Relations. He's also an active member of CAMRA and a keen environmental & social activist. 

I suffered a similar injury a couple of years ago and I know the financial hardship Alex will be facing. Even simple things like transport to medical appointments will be more as public transport doesn't go door-to-door and ambulating on crutches is incredibly draining. So I'd like to provide Alex some form of safety net while he gets (literally) back on his feet.

The financial stress of a setback like this is as debilitating as the injury and can really hinder recovery. I'd appreciate any help in alleviating this burden for a really nice chap. 

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Sophie Merrick
Alexander James Livingstone Wright

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