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Baby Faith Curtier was born on 12/15/20, at 29 weeks. Before her birth, Faith was diagnosed with Hydrops, an often fatal condition where large amounts of fluid build up around the organs and tissues, causing organ failure and death. More than 50% of Hydrops babies pass away before birth. Many times before Faith was born, our doctors told us Faith had a very small chance of making it to birth, and if she did, she would most likely pass away shortly after birth. When Faith was born, we were told at the hospital by the delivery doctor, that she would most likely not be a “take home baby.”

     Since birth, baby Faith has shown us what a fighter and littler warrior she is! On Day #2 of her life, the NICU doctors told us she would most likely pass away, and to prepare ourselves to let her go. Faith kept fighting and has made great progress and little victories, especially with her breathing, and has become more and more stable.

     When Faith was born, the doctor’s diagnosed her with having a cloacal malformation. Normal female babies are born with 3 separate openings for the urethra, vagina, and anus. In babies with a cloaca, these openings join together in one common channel. In Faith’s case, this common channel does not have any openings out of her body. She was born without an urethra, anus, or vaginal opening, therefore not having an exit points for her body to allow urine or stool to pass out.

     In order to give her temporary ways for her body to drain the urine and stool, Faith had emergency surgery the night she was born. She was given a colostomy, where her colon was cut into 2 pieces, and the ends were pulled outside of her skin and sewn into her abdomen, allowing for stool to exit out of her body. She was also given a vaginostomy, to drain the urine that continuously backs up into her vagina, and a cystostomy to drain her bladder. She also has been fighting through having a multi cystic kidney, missing her left kidney, an enlarged liver, ascites, and issues with her bowels. Faith’s surgeons advised us that her cloacal malformation case is rare and complex, occurring in about 1 in several hundred thousand.

     The road ahead of Faith is filled with unknowns. In order to find out more about Faith’s anatomy, she would need additional surgeries. With her being premature and having underwent 2 surgeries already, the doctors are unable to put her through that in the near future. In order to attempt to fix her anatomy, Faith is going to need extensive reconstructive surgery when she is older and possible life long support and medical care.

     One thing we do know, is that God is working miracles with Faith, and she is a little warrior and a fighter! We know that despite what the doctors say, that God has the final word, and that is what we keep our faith and hope in. Everyday Faith continues to impress the doctors and amaze us with her strength and fight. We greatly appreciate all of your support, prayers, and love for our baby girl. Money isn’t everything, but the power of prayer is, so please pray for Faith. Thank you! God bless you all.


  • Carol Cipolla
    • $300
    • 3 yrs
  • Art Mann
    • $250
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $250
    • 3 yrs
  • Prathana Jungman
    • $50
    • 4 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Carrie Van Hoosear
Spring, TX
Andrea Curtier

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