Faceshields for First Responders MetroWest
These are stressful times for those on the front lines of emergency services dealing with and pushed emergency and healthcare systems to critical levels including local ambulance services, EMT's, fire and police. We are building a group in the MetroWest Boston area using 3D printers to manufacture medically protective face shields. Our mission is to make as many quality protective shields as rapidly as possible and deliver them them to responders in 25 communities.
What We Are Trying To Do
Our capacity to produce face shields is limited and demand is increasing. Our goal is to provide 1,000 protective shields to local first responders by the end of April to mid-May. To do this, we are organizing a team to acquire additional equipment and materials and enlist volunteers to assist production and distribution. We are raising funds to acquire equipment, materials and supplies. We will acquire 4 additional production machines and the materials and supplies necessary to make 50 shields a day. Together with other volunteer production capacity, we expect be to meet our goal.
Why Do Face Shields Matter
Everyone is aware of the shortages of PPE equipment especially N95 masks which have been used by the hundreds of millions in the past two months. Medical face shields are just as critical as they provide an additional layer of protection to the user and keep the masks cleaner as well extending their usefulness; slowing the consumption of this critical resource. We have produced and delivered 3D printed shields to the Harvard Ambulance Service and made more for surrounding towns and Massachusetts Task Force 1. These protective shields are use a recommended design from the National Institute of Health. The NIH shield (DtMv3.1 Face Shield PPE ) has been clinically reviewed by NIH healthcare professionals and deemed highly effective when produced as recommended.
What Can You Do
Your donation now can make these critical medical protection shields available to more first responders more quickly. The initial focus will be helping organizations such as the local ambulance, police and fire departments. As production capacity increases we will be able to provide additional shields to more organizations such as hospitals and nursing homes. This will make their jobs protecting us and our loved ones a little less difficult.
Thanks for helping us help our First Reponders!