Every Child Gets To Go
[al-troo-iz-uh m]
1. noun the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others
Hello! My son Owen is a 6th grader at Mission Montessori and I wanted to take a minute of your time to share with you how our school and one very amazing teacher is in need of our help.
Let's be honest the ability to give, graciously and generously, to a wide variety of organizations and people in need is one of the most powerful gifts we can develop and teach our children.
As Mother Theresa once said, “At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by “I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.”
Would you respond to a dear friend, family member who needed your help by lending them a hand?
Then let us all pitch in to help our community, a wonderful teacher and a program that are in serious need.
Many of you came to Mission Montessori because of their phenomenal Global Studies program and some of you may not have even heard of it yet because your children are just starting out. Either way you are a part of our community and this is a cry for support, and I’m shouting it out to you.
Let me share with you if I may a little history of the school’s program and how your help is needed.
The MMUN Conference, part of our school's Global Studies program, is a once in a lifetime experience that provides our children with the opportunity to learn diplomatic methods for building a peaceful world. By preparing six months before and participating in the conference with over 4000 other students from every continent around the world, our students learn how to study analyze, discuss and debate critical global issues. They learn how to explore and consider solutions to real world problems and negotiate fair, humane resolutions that respect human rights and preserve our environment. Through this very intense process our children find their voices, deepen their humanity, and are empowered to become agents of positive change in the world.
The MMUN (Montessori Model United Nations) program began in our school in 2011 with the National Conference in NY for 6th graders and International Conferences for 7th and 8th graders. That first year only 6 children attended the conference. Now, through the dedication and leadership of Patricia Sandler, a determined and an unstoppable teacher, the program has grown to include the entire sixth grade class.
Ms. Sandler witnessed firsthand the powerful impact this program had on her students and she made it her mission to ensure that every child was able to participate in the conference, no matter what their financial situation. “I have worked with many students’ families who have dealt with severe medical hardships, have fallen on hard times, lost a job, or are heading a single parent household and relying on just one income.” She felt that the very lessons the MMUN teaches are applicable right here at home, which are - it is important to demonstrate care and concern for all citizens of our communities, at both the local and global levels, and to do whatever we to can provide equal opportunities for all.
Hence, if there are any children in our community who are unable to participate due to financial factors, Ms. Sandler has passionately advocated for the need for all of us to band together to do whatever we can to remove the barriers that would prevent some students from participating.
A few years ago, one of our very generous families, the Camaratas set up a fund to help make sure every child was able to participate in the MMUN. In addition we’ve traditionally held a fun run and had other fundraisers to help raise the funds needed so that no child who wants to attend will be left behind.
This past year the level of interest expressed in participating was wonderfully high and thankfully, 34 students were able to attend the 5-day conference in New York City. Unfortunately, there were many students whose families simply would not have been able to afford to go without assistance and as a result, all of the reserves from the Camarata fund were depleted. Ms. Sandler had to call in a host of last minute favors to close the remaining gap to make sure every child could go to New York.
While participation in the MMUN program is not required, there are many reasons why it is an essential part of our children’s learning process and growth to become good citizens. Granting opportunity and access for all students to this vital program helps them build character, values and compassion they will take with them through their life. It makes each child feel stronger, more knowledgeable and aware of the world around them, teaching them to be concerned global citizens. Granting a child access that might not otherwise have had this opportunity can help change a child’s life as well as the world around them.
I’m asking each and every one of you who are reading this to a take minute and do two things.
1st : Make a donation no matter how small. I know we all have bills and challenges but I firmly believe that when we are called upon to help our community or another in need, it is in these moments that we have the opportunity to do something that matters and use this as a learning tool to share with our children.
2nd: SHARE this on Social Media NOW!! You have the opportunity to make your efforts greater by taking a minute and sharing this link in a post on Facebook with ALL of your Family and Friends. If you're a parent like me who has already had their child partake in this amazing experience than I encourage you to make your share even more impactful and to tell your friends and family on Facebook the positive benefits you have witnessed firsthand from this program.
Please help support The Adelaide & Joseph Camarata Fund for Global Education, and make it possible to help those children in financial need to attend the MMUN program next year.
ALL DONATIONS are tax-deductable and go directly to the school's fund which is a 501 (C-3) non-profit . Receipts are available upon request for any amount.
Part of the MMUN Global Studies Program is having the children choose a project to service others. Each year the kids pick Kits for Kids, a program affiliated with Project C.U.R.E., for their Global Studies service project. Kits for Kids provides moms in developing countries with basic, everyday medical supplies for their children. In developing countries, children get sick and sometimes die because medical supplies and medicines are not affordable or accessible. The students want to do their part to give children a healthier life.
Students who got to attend the MMUN say . . .
"Now I know what I want to do with the rest of my life."
" Working in my committee taught me to follow my heart and listen to my own voice."
Granting a child access that might not otherwise have had this opportunity could help change a child's life and the world around them. Thank you for your donation. Together We Can Make A Difference.