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Conjoined twins Marieme and Ndeye

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Hi, my name is Sasha, and I'm raising funds for single parent Ibrahima and his six-year-old daughters, Marieme and Ndeye.

My Mum has known this lovely family for three years and I’d like to help her raise funds to improve their quality of life.

At present they live in a cramped apartment in the city of Cardiff in the U.K.

Moving around with the girls is very challenging for Ibrahima. Every time he needs to make vital and often urgent clinic or hospice appointments, he needs to find a taxi with access to a specialized electric wheelchair.

I’d like to help raise money for a vehicle to give Ibrahima the freedom to take the girls out for journeys anywhere and at any time he wants. He would also be able to take trips to Bristol to socialize and break his isolation. This will make all the difference to the family and greatly enhance the quality of their lives. Please help him fulfil this dream.

The funds raised would also go to help him have clothes tailored to fit Marieme and Ndeye - so they have a lovely wardrobe to choose from.

If you'd like to contribute to making the lives of these adorable girls and their father easier, simply click on the link below. Every little helps!

If you could also share my fundraiser link with your friends, it would mean so much.

Thank you,



Alexandra Ignatieva
Perth WA

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