Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie


Beschermde donatie
On May 27th, 2020 My Uncle Eric was tased and shot 3 times by police officers in his own driveway.

My family and I decided to speak out on this matter because these officers used excessive force on my uncle and need to be brought to justice. We will use all funds to go towards legal fees and any medical expenses. Thank you very much, Our family is truly thankful for all of your love, support, prayers, and donations.


Commonly asked questions:


Who you are? Serena Rosalia, niece of Eric Rosalia

How the funds will be spent? Funds collected here will be spent by the Rosalia family for legal fees and any medical expenses

Are there any other legitimate funds? No.

How do you intend to get the funds to those in need? All funds collected on this website will be credited to my Uncle for legal fees and medical expenses


  • Anoniem
    • $5 
    • 4 yrs
  • George Ruan
    • $35 
    • 4 yrs
  • Eric Doerhoefer
    • $5 
    • 4 yrs
  • Elizabeth Fiske
    • $5 
    • 4 yrs
  • Pascal Garcia-Montpetit
    • $35 
    • 4 yrs

Organisator en begunstigde

Serena Rosalia
Hayward, CA
Ann Rosalia

Jouw gemakkelijke, krachtige en vertrouwde plek voor hulp

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    Help rechtstreeks de mensen en doelen die jij belangrijk vindt

  • Vertrouwd

    Je donatie wordt beschermd door de GoFundMe Donatiegarantie