ER VETERINARIAN CARE - Our littlest kitty Freyja
Donation protected

Hello, and thank you so much for taking the time to consider helping us. Yesterday on July 7th we had to take our youngest and littlest kitty Freyja to an emergency veterinarian's office for lily-toxicity.
Last week was our 2-year wedding anniversary. Unbeknownst to us, almost every variety of lily is incredibly toxic to cats. My husband presented me with most beautiful bouquet, and we have had it displayed on an upper shelf out of feline reach just to keep the flowers safe. Yesterday I changed the water and the flowers were on a lower table, and our very inquisitive little girl wanted to sniff and investigate. I noticed yellowy orange pollen across her nose and mouth not long after, and on suspicion started googling. Sure enough, lilies are incredibly toxic to cats. I double checked with her veterinarian who immediately urged me to take her to an ER clinic because even just the pollen could be very toxic and cause renal failure.
And now.......what we thought would be a visit for a few hundred dollars has turned out to be a minimum two day hospitalization, and over $2,000. We were presented with the option of her likely dying slowly over a week, or agreeing to treatment.
Freyja isn't even quite three years old and has so very much life and love and enegy--so we agreed even though we can't do it alone. She is a furry fireball with so much intelligence, is such a good sister to her siblings, is just so purely good and amazing, that doing anything else was unimaginable.
Unfortunately the reality is that we will not be able to afford to pick her up when she is hopefully alive and well on Thursday. And if anything goes wrong and she needs dialysis or lifesaving measures the bill could get even bigger, doubled or tripled. This has been a grueling and frightening time for every single person in this world, and I know that our situation isn't that unique, isn't that special. But our little fur baby, our little kitty girl, she is that unique and special. It is not with pride that I post online that we need financial help, but I am proud to try and do everything possible to make sure she will be okay.
If there is anything, any pittance you can spare in these trying times it would mean more to my husband and I than we have words. The world has become such a hurtful place so often, and this little cat brings so much joy and healing. It was our ignorance that put her in this situation, and we are desperate to make sure she is all right.
If you made it this far, I love you as a human for caring enough to read. Thank you for your consideration if nothing else.
Bethany Joy Hamlin
Kent, WA