Donation protected
This is my Mom and Dad. Two of the very best Parents & Providers I have ever known. They are my reason for this Go Fund me. I am asking for help for Mom so she can assist with his Medical Care: She DESPERATELY needs Nurse Staff at home. Medicare provides limited hours. She is the only person who Transports him to and from Dialysis 3 days a week twice a day. Thats costly. An Electric wheelchair would help to get him around as he has lost the use of his limbs.
This is Dad a year ago. Early 2019. He had just received his new prosthetic leg after loosing it to diabetes.
Here he is visited after his amputation by his some of his Grandkids ,2019.
December 2019: We went to Florida. That would be the last time he was able to move his arms and legs.
This is February 2020, when he had upper back surgery to increase his core muscles in the hopes that it would increase upper body muscles.
Here he sits in his favorite recliner at home on Fathers Day, June 2020. He was in a rehab facility after the back surgery for 5 months during this pandemic only to be left in room alone for 95% of the day. He received no physical therapy at all due to fear that the facilty could spread the Corona Virus to its weaker patients.
My mother needs OUR help. She is a retired Postal Worker and has minimal resources for her to help with his care. Those that know her, know she is one of the most caring smart Lovable & fair people you have ever met. She is the Epitomy of what “Call me if you need anything” looks like. This isnt for me. She is caring for her husband and best friend of 30+ years and doing her best. Please help us restore some quality of life and hope back to our parents. 
Thx for your time.

Thx for your time.

Organizer and beneficiary
Danica Jackson
Fayetteville, NC
Dana Jackson