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Emily's Facial Feminisation Surgery Fundraiser

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Hi there. My name is Emily. I'm 37 years old and I am a transgender woman living in Scotland.

I am going through a gender transition and so far the journey has been pretty difficult. I've had to overcome so many obstacles to get to where I am just now.

The biggest obstacle I have is gender dysphoria. It really does affect my mental health state. I look at myself and I see a body which isn't mine and a face that looks too masculine.

My face gives me the worst effects of gender dysphoria. It can cause me to have crippling anxiety over being in public and at times I never want to leave the house.

I really want to have facial feminisation surgery but it is something I can never afford to have done and it is also something I can never save for as the cost of the surgery would mean I would end up taking ten years to save and that would mean literally staying at home every day for ten years which is too much to ask someone to do.

I have set up this GoFundMe to fund the surgery. It will cost £12,000 GPB. This is to fund going abroad for surgery. It would cost too much here in the UK.

Thanks for reading my story and thank you for donating.

Emily x


Emily Green

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