Emilio’s Open Heart Surgery & cranial brain hem
My pride has taken a step back for me today! My name is Tanya And I am the mother of a beautiful boy named Emilio! We are from San Jose, Ca and my son is hospitalized in San Francisco, Ca at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital to the current day! We’ve been admitted a total of seven days now and are looking at a definitive few more weeks. Emilio is known as one of the sweetest most respectful kids in school along with the cutest, biggest smile. I’d have to agree! Emilio is in 8th grade and will be graduating in June! Emilio is a one of a kind kid! Emilio was said to be born with a condition called Aortic Valve Stenosis. Emilio has lived a very healthy life in regards to this condition thus far, but also struggles with Asthma, Anxiety and Depression, I bet you’d never know. Emilio, after several years of no symptoms, Emilio’s Pediatrician thought it could be time for a re-evaluation. Come to find out, Emilio’s echocardiogram showed that his condition doubled in severity and needed an emergency procedure ( valvuloplasty ) done so the valve can flow freely! Into the procedure the doctors found a different situation! Good news, Emilio’s valve is In perfect condition ! Bad News, instead Emilio was born with a a mass or blockage that prevented his valve from functioning /flowing correctly! More Bad news! The removal of this mass or blockage unfortunately requires open heart surgery for my boy! This has put me in a place against the concrete at this point! This COVID-19 pandemic has made my families situation a lot more difficult than what we excepted! Only one parent allowed with Emilio at bedside, ALL RESOURCES ARE CUT OFF AT THIS TIME, this includes housing for families that live out of the area, pretty much nothing is being accommodated at this point! Having to put everything out of pocket is making this a million times worse. The time I’m committing to my son 100% also has me absent from my 1 year old daughter and my 10 year old daughter with special needs! They miss they’re mama! We are all going through a lot right now and I understand that we are all in a situation and we are all alone together. All I am asking for is a little help to get me through this . There’s no goal or amount expectation from anyone! A cup of coffee, a meal, a supporting message, a prayer or a spiritual thought ! Thank you for your time, love, kindness and support! After reading my story this is an update! As of April 25 my son is in the hospital AGAIN with a cranial brain hemorrhage! The Drs are doing all they can to keep him comfortable and as pain free as possible! They are also doing research on as to why this happened ! Please! Anything helps !
Emilio’s surgery will take place sometime early this coming up week! 3/23