Emergency move from dangerous situation
My name is Hazel, and my girlfriend Rose and I need help escaping a dangerous living situation and getting from Texas to New Mexico. We are both trans and we emergency moved here due to a hate crime committed by my maintenance man in which the cops and apartment complex were doing nothing. We spent all of our money to get to where we are now, and our roommates were well aware we would not have money when we arrived and said that was fine. However, they immediately asked for rent when we arrived anyway. They then proceeded to lie and tell us that their duplex was up for sale and we could all be evicted even if we caught them up on rent. They did not tell us they were $1000 behind on rent until we were here, and I'm still not sure if that's a lie. They have been lying to us since before we arrived, and they never clean their house, it is infested with flies and roaches. My girlfriend is immunocompromised and they knew that and didn't warn us or make any attempts to clean the house when we moved in. The husband has sexually harassed us multiple times, including when he showered with the door open while we were in the kitchen and we could clearly see him naked. They have many animals, and they are abused and neglected. They are both abusive in general, including to each other. They do have a firearm and we do not feel safe here at all. We need to get out as soon as possible. The funds we're raising will be for a moving truck, gas, hotels along the way, and staying in a hotel in New Mexico until we find an apartment.
Organizer and beneficiary