Emergency Dialysis Expenses for Shane Thornton
I am raising money for Big Shane Thornton.
Shane was given not 1 but 2 medications that he was allergic too that has shut
down his kidneys. Shane is in a lot of pain & today was taken for emergency
Dialysis surgery. Shane is very well know in all of Arkansas & many other states.
He is a phenomenal singer & musician whose band is
The Big Shane Thornton band.
To know Shane is to love Shane!
Shane is a very loving guy & this tragedy has not only physically devastated him
but also financially! Shane will have a very hard recovery coming & with Covid-19 already hurting his living as a musician, now he will have to deal with this.
Between living expenses & medical, it will be incredibly difficult if not impossible
for him & his 6yr old baby girl! And she is already missing her daddy. So PLEASE if you can find it in your heart, PLEASE donate as much as you possibly can to help
him & his daughter in this unexpected medical emergency.
May God bless you all, Thank you!