Elon's Senior Year
Hi all! Asking for help in such a public space is not a decision I came to lightly, but after going back on forth on this for a long time I've realized I have no other option and am really hoping people will be able to give what they can to make my year livable.
I just began my senior year at Tufts. About three months ago when financial aid decisions came out (after I had committed to hybrid school plan and signed my lease), I received a refund of just $500 in comparison to the $7000 I normally receive to cover my living expenses (including rent, food, etc.). In other words, I'd made concrete plans to finish my senior year without knowing I'd be responsible for nearly $8000 to support myself and finish school. This is made especially difficult by the fact that my primary care-giver lost her job due to pandemic-related cuts and now has to use our shared savings to relocate, leaving me with little to no financial support.
As of right now I have signed onto my house lease through May and am unable to afford my rent. I have three part-time jobs at the moment and am making minimum wage, but given the time I still have to allot for class and studying, there's no way I can stay afloat on my own. I am one year shy of graduating from Tufts University and am about to be forced to take a semester off to make a livable wage so that I can afford to get my degree. I know everyone who makes one of these says "anything helps," but in this case it's really true. Anything you give will go straight to:
My rent: 5440 (680 x 8 months)
Utilities: roughly 800 (100 x 8 months)
Groceries: roughly 800 (100 x 8 months)
School supplies + books: 200
If you're still reading this far, thanks so much for taking the time and any support you're able to offer, especially in the form of a share, is really huge. ❤️ Love you all and thank you.