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UPDATE-The Dream Comes True! Our Sand Pro 3040 was delivered on 11/15/23, we would like to thank everyone for their generous donations. The unit was a demo that was used by the Milwaukee Brewers this season, and the unit arrived in great shape. With the warm weather in the area, we are using it and testing it out. It is a fine machine and cuts our time in prep work almost in half. Currently, we are using it to convert our Field #1 for both Intermediate and Major Boys dimensions.
The volunteers at ENLL hosted over 70 extra games this year for All-Star Tournaments, and Metro Tournaments to keep our Concession Stand open and bring in extra money into our program. We thank all our hard-working volunteers for their time and efforts.
Last year, we had to dip into our emergency funds to install a new roof on the South Side Concession Stand, also we repainted all the buildings, dugouts and sheds on the North Side through the help of volunteers.
ENLL has to maintain all of the fields inside of the fences and our friends at Elgin Parks and Recs handles the rest of the complex's grounds. ENLL is responsible for mowing the diamond's grass and the grooming the infields.
I have been a volunteer at ENLL for over 27 years and head groundskeeper for over 25 years. I am approaching my 70th birthday next year and would like to leave a good piece of equipment for the future ENLL volunteers to use to maintain the care and quality of our fields.
We will keep this page open for any future donations to Elgin National Little League. Thank You So Much
Elgin, IL