Starting Over
Hello everyone. Recent events have shown me pretty conclusively that I cannot stay in Idaho.
I need to get somewhere to start my life over. I'm a software developer with some... ah... mental health issues, who is trying to get back into something resembling stability.
Right now, my goal is to move out of Idaho, and into a geek-friendly roommate situation somewhere in the Silicon Valley, New York, or a similar hub of opportunity and innovation. Then establish myself with either a promising and non-evil startup, or an established and non-evil tech company.
Like many people, I have a substantial amount of medical and student loan debt that I need to pay off as well, but I'm confident I can do that if I can just get back on my feet.
I am committing to donating an amount of money equal to twice whatever I receive here to charitable causes (directed by GiveWell or a similar Effective Altruism charity-analysis group), once my finances are secured and my responsibilities to previous debtors have been fulfilled.
Also, I am providing various entertaining options for people who want something more immediate for your money.
I hate asking for help, but... please help.
Thank you.