Producing an Easterseals Disability Film
Our group is participating in the 2019 Easterseals Disability Film Challenge.
"The Easterseals Disability Film Challenge gives filmmakers—with and without disabilities—the opportunity to collaborate to tell unique stories that showcase disability in its many forms." - DisabilityFilmChallenge.com
All participants of the productions are volunteers, but that does not mean the production is costless. The challenge requires that the film be written, shot, edited, and submitted ALL within a 55-hour period. In order to accomplish that goal, we are raising money to insure the production and handle our largest expense - feeding the cast & crew. We anticipate a team of up to 60 people bringing a story to life in the challenge weekend, and with the limited time frame, every dollar raised allows the creatives to focus on the film rather than on operational logistics. A small portion of funds will also be available for any unanticipated prop, costume, and equipment purchases.
While we do not anticipate unused funds, if we do have excess funds remaining at the end of our film shoot, those remaining funds will be used for additional film festival submissions, spreading the story we create and sharing the talents of our cast & crew with a broader, global audience.