Help Ease Cherie Carter's Worries: Medical & Funeral Cost
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Cherie was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma Cancer in 2012: bravely fighting this devastating disease which has no cure for over 12 years, we have exhausted funds used to pay medical bills, home needs and daily necessities. As we prepare for her upcoming treatment and eventual passing, the greatest gift we could give her is peace of mind. Please help us take away her worries surrounding the cost of medical treatment, travel and her eventual funeral, when she should be resting and focusing on reconnecting with friends.
A bit about Cherie: Cherie is a mother of two children, Harrison and Carter. In her lifetime, she has developed friendships with so many people, always one to care for others, she would give of herself (sometimes to the point of self-detriment).
Helping her youngest son find treatment for Eosinophilic Esophagitis when he was eleven years old, at a time when food allergies and chronic immune diseases were not understood. Cherie fought to find treatment, helping Harrison recover from a disabling condition to live a healthy life where he can thrive.
When her oldest son developed brain cancer in college, she devoted herself to caring for and rehabilitating Carter. Spending countless hours helping him recover from a stroke, opening his hand and helping him learn to walk again, and literally driving him back and forth to Santa Cruz daily, pushing him to finishing college.
Now, she needs us to pull together to help her when she needs it most. Please join with us to make her remaining time that of healing and love. Please feel free to share memories or photos of Cherie to her Facebook profile here: link to facebook
Cherie Ann Carter; A truly good person and a friend to all.
Carter Fulhorst
Santa Clara, CA