Earth Cipher Indigenous Environmental Justice game
Another link to the video:
We are raising seed capital for Earth Cipher, a 3D mobile game for iPhone and Android.
Earth Cipher is a game about global economic justice through the lens of the environment.
Need more detailed info ? Watch the video above and / or visit the EarthCipher website.
$20 and up = BRONZE
(optional: Get you name listed in regional list of donors that will appear in the game.
To opt-in, just write "opt-in" in the comments along with your name)
$50 and up = SILVER
(optional: your name in graffiti in the game on a physical building)
To opt-in, just write "opt-in" in the comments along with your name)
$100 and up = GOLD
(optional: Get Earth Cipher gear ( T-shirt , tote bag or other ))
To opt-in, just write "opt-in" in the comments along with your name AND/OR
send email to [email redacted] including a way for us to link you with your donation )
$1000 and up = PLATINUM
(optional: get signage in the game: see end of video for example )
To opt-in, just write "opt-in" in the comments along with your name AND/OR
send email to [email redacted] including a way for us to link you with your donation )