Build a Community Dye Studio
Why We Need You: Your favorite local yarn store, Dye Hard Yarns, is creating a Community Dye Studio- just for you!
The Vision: What if you could professionally dye your own yarns with pro equipment? Or sit and create your own art amongst friends? Invest in beautiful indie dyed yarn? Take classes on some new fiber arts? Dye Hard Yarns wants to be the space you can do all these things! This should be the place to come for creativity, inspiration, community, and love.
The studio will be fully outfitted with professional equipment. Classes will be held on dyeing, knitting, crochet, macrame, spinning, weaving, and more! Community members like you can create, connect, learn, and teach!
There will be opportunities for scholarship students throughout the year to learn the yarn dyeing trade, the ins and outs of running a Studio and Yarn Shop, and to feature their own work in the Store.
Keep an eye out for guest dyers, teachers, designers, parties, and special events.
Dye Hard Yarns wants to be you're haven, home, and community for creativity. Be welcome, be safe, and have fun as a member of this beautiful collective!
Why You Should Support This Cause: Did you know that Indie Dyers utilise their own kitchens, garages, and basements to bring you the masterfully crafted yarns you love? By opening our studio in the Arts District of Oak Park, we can provide studio space and professional tools to those who create beautiful yarns for us! This is our chance to provide the space we all deserve to make a living, invest in a hobby, or develop a creative outlet... But this cannot happen without community support. A community is built by many people, and it will take all of us to make this dream come true. Donate whatever you can, and take the time to share us on social media!
Website and blog Dyehardyarns.com Instagram dyehardyarns_op Facebook @dyehardyarns Twitter @DyeHardYarns
Let's make this Community the best ever!
Where your donations go:
Goals over the next 3 months:
$9,568.63 Dye equipment: 2 Proofing cabinets, 2 sheet pan cooling racks, measuring and mixing tools, dyes, color cards, yarn rings, 48 sheet pans, steam table pans and lids, soaking tubs, and other kitchen dye supplies.
$3,256.49 2 stainless steal tables for yarn dyeing prep, shelving and racks for dye tools, dye stock, and blank yarn storage.
$1,643.25 Dress forms, manneqins, hand and foot forms and fixtures for sample display.
$1,518.09 Blank yarn, professional textile wash, citric acid, and resists.
$3,013.54 Building and window signage and installation.
Completed Goals:
$1,000 Electrical expansion of new circuits for dye equipment
$3,858.75 Lighting and installation so that yarn colors and dyes will be crystal clear.
$2,800 Industrial kitchen sink and installation for yarn prep, washing, and rinsing.
$1,000 Moving expenses: Truck rental, boxes, bubble wrap, packing paper, tape, dollies, movers
$1,416.25 Paint, painting supplies, tools, and other hardware store supplies.
$925 Legal, licensing, and permits
My name is Chastity, and I'm the owner of Dye Hard Yarns. I've called OakPark, IL home for over 8yrs. My children are growing up in this community. I've been an Indie Dyer for 4yrs, and a local yarn store owner for 2yrs. Dye Hard Yarns is my dream , and the Fiber Arts community is like my Family. My heart, passion, time, sacrifice and devotion is poured into every facet of this business. I want everyone who walks into my store to feel welcome and inspired.