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Swimming the English Channel

In August 2023, I will attempt to swim the English Channel with only a swimming costume, goggles and swim hat. No wetsuit, nothing else.

I will be training in London all through the winter into the spring and summer to be able to face this challenge, the Everest of swimming.

I'm raising money for a cause that is very close to my heart, for the environment. I have always been a passionate advocate for nature, as a nature blogger at FrogMom and an environmental education journalist in San Francisco.

Swimming may seem like a solitary pursuit, but a challenge as big as the English Channel actually requires the support of an entire community in order to have a chance to succeed. In my case, my community is the Serpentine Swimming Club in London and the wonderful friends who are guiding me through this crazy adventure.

I would like my swim to help protect the environment. In my personal life, I have taken steps to reduce my carbon footprint as much as possible by cutting all meat and fish from my diet, and by drastically reducing my plane travels. I now mostly travel by train or on foot and as I haven't had a car in 12 years, I commute by bicycle or on foot. However, I'm only one person and we can always do more.

I am a great admirer of the work done by The Nature Conservancy, and any donation will help make a positive impact for our planet.

Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.

More information about The Nature Conservancy: The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends.

You can follow my swim journey and training directly on my blog:


  • Anónimo
    • $40 
    • 9 mos
  • francesca franklyn
    • $25 
    • 10 mos
  • Margarita Woodley
    • $20 
    • 11 mos
  • Anónimo
    • $100 
    • 11 mos
  • Anne Mannix
    • $40 
    • 11 mos


Laure Latham
San Francisco, CA
Nature Conservancy

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