Dream! Dare! Do! Help girls train and go to space!
Tax deductible
Dream! Dare! Do!
At one time or another nearly every human being has gazed into the night sky with wonder. A lucky few on earth get to take that wonder one step further — and go there! Dreaming is the landscape of the many. Daring to Do has been the landscape of a privileged few – until now.
Cosmic Girls™ is training the next space generation to reach for the stars and make their dreams a reality. From STEAM education to Life Skills, we’re providing world-class astronaut training to teenage girls (ages 14-19) from any socio-economic demographic on earth – and the opportunity to actually go to space!
A word from the Founder of Cosmic Girls... Dr. Mindy Howard
My long-held vision of voyaging to space has taken the “scenic route”. For two decades I have held senior positions at multinational corporations, travelling to exotic international locales with my cosmic dreams ever in tow. However, my space travels will be incomplete without having contributed to that of a Cosmic Girl’s launch, on behalf of the incoming space generation and females in particular. I created this foundation with hopes of exceeding donor & benefactor expectations so as to enable more Cosmic Girls from the far corners like myself to not only flourish … but soar.
Our Story
The seeds of Cosmic Girls were sown in the 1960’s, with the first space launches. In every corner of the world, children wondered how they might take part in the incredible marvel of space travel. Some lucky boys’ astronaut dreams were encouraged. But without STEM education, without systems of support, training, and encouragement, most girls’ hopes about going to space were dismissed as impossible dreams.
As a child, I have dreamt of being an astronaut myself, and have come close several times, and in pursuit of that goal, built a career in the fields of human factors engineering, sustainability and training. Work took me around the world, where I found opportunities for girls to enter science-based careers to be limited by many factors; entrenched gender-based stereotypes, few strong female role models, and girls’ own self-limiting beliefs. I began wondering: how could girls around the world who dream of space/ science careers get the necessary education, support, and training? What would it take to level the playing field, so that more girls with grit and aptitude could become STEM professionals? Could I provide opportunities for all girls– not just those from Western countries with means, but those from diverse communities around the world– to pursue their space dreams?
Despite sixty years of space exploration gender inequality has prevented women from being equally represented in the space industry. To date, 656 individuals have traveled to space, yet less than 12% were women and only 12 countries have had female astronauts. Clearly, it's time to change those stats.
Our mission
The space industry’s growth is growing at an exponential pace. However, its long-term sustainability depends upon expanding the astronaut talent pool and space industry pipelines to keep pace with its voracious demands. Cosmic Girls™ wants to be a driver of solutions by bringing as many qualified individuals into space education, leadership programs, and space training programs, as possible. But our passion doesn't stop there. As space travel becomes an industry, we want to equip young girls to be part of the conversation - and participation! Cosmic Girls™ knows that space travel must also be informed by women's voices from all over the world; the other half of humankind! Thus, our mission; to make gender equity in space a reality by including geographically diverse and economically vulnerable girls within the incoming space generation.
Our Worldwide Competition to get a girl into space
The road to becoming an astronaut is demanding. It requires mastering 3 skill sets which we refer to as our "Astronaut-building Solar System": STEAM Skills, Life Skills, Astronaut Skills. Our 6 Girls, 6 Continents Competition entrants will receive free skillset training from our nonprofit partners. Our judges will then select six finalists (one per continent) to receive world-class commercial astronaut training at our international facilities. Of those six, one lucky winner will receive an actual trip to space on a suborbital flight!
Imagine a girl from the slums of the world who feels like she has no prospects in life. She enters this competition — and wins! The impact that this would have on her, her family, her community and her country is a message of incomparable hope, inclusion and possibility which Cosmic Girls™ will inspire on a mass scale. The six continental finalists and their stirring journey will be filmed in a forthcoming Netflix-like documentary.
What we seek: 2.5 million USD by June 2024 will enable us to execute our full program according to our 2024-2025 timeline. The amount of (tax deductible) funds received determines how much of the astronaut training program we can offer the girls. Our goal is to deliver the full spectrum below, and on schedule:
- We match girls worldwide with our nonprofit partners who provide the STEAM, Space Education and Key Life Skills programs.
- We implement virtual programs and participation for girls unable to join a local program, through online space education and networking opportunities with their peers
- We fly each finalist and her parent or legal guardian to each astronaut training location in the U.S. and Europe, with all expenses paid throughout the training duration. Their world class astronaut training consists of mental preparedness training- “Inner Space Training ”, parabolic flight training and centrifuge training at the NASTAR Center
- We secure a seat on a suborbital flight for the grand prize winner and her coach.
How you can help
If 100,000 people give $25, we would hit our goal. We rely on several sources to finance our goals. Our crowdfunding campaign is one such. Whether we accrue the full funds at this time or a portion thereof, every dollar is needed, appreciated and appropriated towards keeping this promising venture flying. Size does not matter. Each contribution is valuable sending a resounding message across the planet:
Let’s show these young girls that a united global community believes in their dreams and supports their ability to achieve them. The future of space exploration depends upon them. And the success of Cosmic Girls depends upon you – investing in girls from every corner of the world. The more they soar, the more we all fly high. Welcome to this transformative journey and thank you for your support! Cosmic Girls
Check out our trailer !
Our organizational details
Netherlands/Stichting Cosmic Girls (Tax deductible ANBI Stichting)
RSIN/Fiscal number: 865222861
Dutch Chamber of Commerce number (KvK): 90146395
V.A.T. number: NL865222861B01
United States/Cosmic Girls Foundation (501c3 charity)
Mailing address: 110 Glancy Street Suite 102
Goodlettsville, Tennessee 37072
United States of America

Mindy Howard
Goodlettsville, TN
Cosmic Girls Foundation