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Moose needs help

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Wednesday April 3rd our baby was attacked. His skull was fractured, he presented as cyanotic (his gums where blue from lack of oxygen) and tachycardic (his heart was beating extremely faster then it should be). Over the last day he has been on a continuous EKG to make sure his heart rate doesn’t drop, oxygen, pain drips as well as anti seizure medication. He was diagnosed with severe brain trauma, and a shattered skull impacting his sinuses (causing him to bleed and not be able to breathe out of his nose). In the last 24 hours the cost for his hospital stay has become $3,481.98. Over the next two (hopefully) to four days the projected cost is 7,000-11,000. As a family we want to provide him everything we can to support and keep our baby alive and hopefully live a long healthy life. Anything you can provide to help with these medical bills would be a giant gift. Thank you from me, my family, and most importantly our baby  Moose.


  • Hayley Harris
    • $100
    • 5 yrs


Barbara Galas
Palatine, IL

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