Donation for funeral services of Octavio Garcia
El 28 de Octubre del 2020 Dios Mando Llamar A Octavio García, Debido A COVID-19 Tuvo Problemas Respiratorios que llevó a darle un derrame cerebral. Con el corazón en las manos les pedimos su ayuda para poder repatriarlo a su tierra natal para que su esposa mamá e hijo le den el último adiós y le den cristiana sepultura de antemano les agradecemos su ayuda y apoyo moral Gracias Dios Los Bendiga
-Atte Familia Gracia
On October 28, 2020, Octavio García gain wings , Due to COVID-19 He had respiratory problems that led to him haveing a brain bleed. With our hearts in our hands, we ask for your help to be able to repatriate him to his homeland so that his wife, mother and son, give him the last goodbye and give him a Christian burial in advance, we thank you for your help and moral support. Thank you && God Bless you. -Family Garcia