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Voice of Detroit at http://voiceofdetroit.net was founded in August, 2010 by editor Diane Bukowski after 10 yrs. with the Michigan Citizen, a prominent Black-owned print weekly. There, she was known for ground-breaking coverage of issues vital to Detroit's Black and poor communities. These included police killings, mass incarceration, the destruction of the Detroit Public Schools, and the privatization and white-out of the city of Detroit, the nation's largest Black-majority city.
VOD's staff has kept those and other stories coming, for another 10 years now. We are known for world-class coverage of Wall Street's racist takeover of the City of Detroit through the phony bankruptcy which stole Detroit's public assets including the world-renowned Detroit Water and Sewerage Dept. We have covered battles against mortgage and tax foreclosures by the banks and politicians, which have left Detroit's once-vibrant neighborhoods devastated. These have included the individual struggles by warriors Gwen Mingo, Bert Dearing, and Arizona Vaughn among others. We exposed the brutal police murders of 7-year-old Aiyana Jones, Terrance Kellom, 19, Makiah and Michaelangelo Jackson, 3 and 6 years old, Imam Luqman Abdullah, Abdullah Beard and many more.
Our field editor is Ricardo Ferrell, imprisoned in the MDOC for decades, who has written numerous articles and exposes pf police/prosecutor frame-ups. Our legal advisor Travis Herndon spent decades there as well, where he was a dedicated jail-house lawyer. We have battled to free Michigan's juvenile lifers, e.g. Charles Lewis who spent 43 years in prison, falsely charged at 17 with the murder of a Detroit cop. We have fought the wrongful convictions of Thelonious Searcy, Carl Hubbard, Darrell Ewing, Clifford and Mary Stafford, among many more, and are now covering the COVID-19 genocide being waged in against 2.5 million prisoners in the U.S., 25% of the world's incarcerated population, while the U.S. has only 5 percent of its population. We oppose life without parole (death by incarceration) and support the dismantling of the U.S. prison system, which is a reincarnation of slavery.
We have mourned the passing of renowned warriors Arnetta Grable, Herman Vallery, Cornell Squires, Tyrone Travis, and more. We now turn our faces to the future, as millions march daily across the planet to uproot racist police systems and capitalism itself, in the wake of the horrific murder of George Floyd.
VOD's staff has kept those and other stories coming, for another 10 years now. We are known for world-class coverage of Wall Street's racist takeover of the City of Detroit through the phony bankruptcy which stole Detroit's public assets including the world-renowned Detroit Water and Sewerage Dept. We have covered battles against mortgage and tax foreclosures by the banks and politicians, which have left Detroit's once-vibrant neighborhoods devastated. These have included the individual struggles by warriors Gwen Mingo, Bert Dearing, and Arizona Vaughn among others. We exposed the brutal police murders of 7-year-old Aiyana Jones, Terrance Kellom, 19, Makiah and Michaelangelo Jackson, 3 and 6 years old, Imam Luqman Abdullah, Abdullah Beard and many more.
Our field editor is Ricardo Ferrell, imprisoned in the MDOC for decades, who has written numerous articles and exposes pf police/prosecutor frame-ups. Our legal advisor Travis Herndon spent decades there as well, where he was a dedicated jail-house lawyer. We have battled to free Michigan's juvenile lifers, e.g. Charles Lewis who spent 43 years in prison, falsely charged at 17 with the murder of a Detroit cop. We have fought the wrongful convictions of Thelonious Searcy, Carl Hubbard, Darrell Ewing, Clifford and Mary Stafford, among many more, and are now covering the COVID-19 genocide being waged in against 2.5 million prisoners in the U.S., 25% of the world's incarcerated population, while the U.S. has only 5 percent of its population. We oppose life without parole (death by incarceration) and support the dismantling of the U.S. prison system, which is a reincarnation of slavery.
We have mourned the passing of renowned warriors Arnetta Grable, Herman Vallery, Cornell Squires, Tyrone Travis, and more. We now turn our faces to the future, as millions march daily across the planet to uproot racist police systems and capitalism itself, in the wake of the horrific murder of George Floyd.

Diane Bukowski
Detroit, MI