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Donate in Memory of Oliver Ratchford

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Hi my name is Steph, and my best friends Jade and John has been through every parents worst nightmare.

Oliver, and eight-year-old sister, Lucy, were taken into foster care on Thursday, Feb. 22. Four days later, on Monday, she got the call that Oliver was unresponsive.
Oliver was playing unsupervised by a pond and fell in. He was found in the pond face down, and his heart stopped beating. Emergency responders worked in Oliver for over an hour, and in the ambulance, and in the hospital. Oliver was on life support for 2 days, and though medical staff tried, Oliver never woke up. His heart stopped beating at 3:55 a.m. Wednesday morning.

All donations will go to the family and towards funeral costs, bereavement costs for the family, meals, and anything else to help this family get through life without sweet Oliver.

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  • Anonyme
    • 25 $ 
    • 4 mois
  • Anonyme
    • 50 $ 
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  • Anonyme
    • 50 $ 
    • 5 mois
  • Daphne Williams
    • 100 $ 
    • 5 mois
  • Wayne Giles
    • 200 $ 
    • 5 mois
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Steph Paquette
Victoria, BC

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