DFB - Daft Funk Brigade
St Joseph's Primary School for Children with Visual Impairment is a local school in the Dublin area of Drumcondra. The staff at the school work tirelessly to provide meaningful and inclusive education to the students' lives. Sometimes a little extra money is needed for resources and fun activities.
Dublin Fire Brigade Firefighters on 'C' watch at North Strand have joined forces with some of the SNAs of the school to entertain you with our DFB... Daft Funk Brigade.
St Joseph's is in the operational area of North Strand fire station. On a recent community visit to the school, Firefighters were taken aback by the enthusiasm of the children and the school staff. The rest, as they say, is history, or in this case, the video.
We understand that times are tough and there are many charities looking for your spare Euro. We want you to enjoy this video and not hide it behind a paywall, but if you are in a position to help, please donate. Every bit helps. Please watch and enjoy!
This dance or video would not have been possible without choreographer Ali Flood and video creator Harry Merton.
Fundraising team (3)

Dublin Fire Brigade
County Dublin
St Josephs For Blind Ns
Gwenda Johnson
Team member
Susan Nolan
Team member